MCS Stereo ReadMe File =============================================================================== Version 1.02 The MIDI files included with MCS Stereo assume "Extended" MIDI Patch Maps. Make sure you have chosen the Extended MIDI Patch Map in the Midi Mapper Applet of the Control Panel. The Control Panel may be accessed through the "Main" group in the Program Manager or by pressing the "Settings" button in the MCS Stereo MIDI Player. Normally, if a portion of a WAV file is highlighted, the "Edit Sample" dialog box will only play the selected area. To play the entire file without deselecting the currently marked area, hold the key while pressing the "Play" button in the "Edit Sample" dialog box. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version 1.01 Environment switching buttons were added in the Standard Environment and the Enhanced Remote control. The scan buttons for the Remote Control Digital Recorder were changed to skip buttons. Used to skip forward or backward in the current playlist. (Changed to maintain functionality consistency between Digital Recorder, CD Player and MIDI Player controls in the Remote Control) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The manual incorrectly states that Animotion technical support is available on Compuserve in the Multimedia Vendors forum. The forum has instead been set up in the MIDI Vendors forum. To access Animotion technical support through Compuserve, type GO ANIMOTION at any CIS prompt. The BBS number and technical support policies are still as stated in the manual. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A new section has been added to the MCSINIT.INI file since the manual was printed. You should find the following entries which were not described in the manual: [EditSample] FastGraph=0 InitialDisplayTime=10 AlwaysCollect=0 These entries were added to improve the capabilities of the Edit Sample dialog box, which is used for editing WAV files. The first entry, "FastGraph", selects the algorithm used to display the waveform. By default, FastGraph is set to 0. Change the entry to "FastGraph=1" to enable the FastGraph option. If you are using the product on a slower machine or editing large files, you may find the FastGraph option provides faster display performance. However, the FastGraph option is not as accurate in it's display of the waveform. The "InitialDisplayTime" parameter specifies the largest amount of time (in seconds) that are displayed when the file is initially loaded. This may be adjusted from 1 to 999 seconds. The "AlwaysCollect" parameter is used to control the memory optimization functions of the Edit Sample dialog box. The default value is 0, and should only be changed if a file seems to "hang" after modifications which alter the file's size. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Additional information for users who have attached the output of their CD-ROM drive to the Auxiliary port of their sound card. If your sound board has a CD audio line-in port, yet you have found it necessary to attach the audio output of the CD-ROM drive to the auxiliary line-in port, you will find it impossible to control the CD Volume in the Enhanced CD player. This section will detail how to make MCS Stereo best utilize your sound board's auxliliary line-in to control the volume of your CD player. The "Volume" section on page 3-23 of the MCS Stereo User's Manual describes a procedure which assigns the auxiliary port of the sound card to MCS Stereo's logical CD volume control. After this operation the Enhanced CD Player's volume controls will adjust the volume of the sound card's auxiliary port as will the buttons labeled "CD" on the Remote Control Mixer. Because both the Standard Environment Mixer and the Enhanced Mixer rely, not on MCS Stereo's logical associations, but instead on the patch names as reported by the sound card's mixer driver, the user must still adjust the "Aux" sliders to change the CD's volume when using either the Standard Environment Mixer or the Enhanced Mixer. Alternatively, the user may also change the default patch names that the mixer driver will use to correspond to the changes made in the MCSINIT.INI file. We think that this is a very reasonable solution that most users would prefer. The following instructions are meant for those who have the problem described above. These instructions are to supercede those given on page 3-23 of the manual. Step 1. Install MCS Stereo if has not been previously installed. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Step 2. Switch MCS Stereo's logical auxiliary and CD associations --------------------------------------------------------------------- a) Use Windows' notepad (or any other editor which will write straight ASCII files) and load "MCSINIT.INI" from the directory containing Windows. b) Locate the [LINECONFIG] section and examine the entries labled "CD_AUDIO" and "AUXILIARY", then swap the line numbers associated with both devices. Example: If your sound board is a Media Vision Pro Audio Spectrum, then you would make AUXILIARY=LINEIN03 and CD_AUDIO=LINEIN02 as demonstrated below. [LINECONFIG] PRODUCT=Media Vision Pro Audio/CDPC MASTER=LINEOUT00 RECORDIN=LINEOUT01 CD_AUDIO=LINEIN03 <---------- CD_AUDIO=LINEIN02 DIGITAL_RECORDER=LINEIN05 | MIDI=LINEIN00 | AUXILIARY=LINEIN02 <---------- AUXILIARY=LINEIN03 MICROPHONE=LINEIN04 Step 3. Changing the default mixer driver patch names. ------------------------------------------------------- a) Search for the [drivers] section in the file "SYSTEM.INI" located in the directory where Windows has been installed. Locate the "mixer" entry in the [drivers] section and note the filename that has been assigned to the "mixer" entry. b) Use an editor capable of writing straight ASCII to edit "WIN.INI" located in the directory where Windows was installed. Find the section name corresponding to the filename found in step 3a. c) After finding the appropriate section name, search the section's "LineIn" entries for the patch names of "AUX" and "CD". (The patch names appear in the first field immediately after the '=' on each line.) Next, swap the numbers associated with these patches. Example: If your sound board is a Media Vision Pro Audio Spectrum, then you would replace the '3' in the line that contains "LineIn3=AUX" to '4' and you would replace the '4' in the line that contains "LineIn4=CD" to '3' as show below. ------------------ Change this '3' to '4' | [mvmixer.drv] | LineIn1=SYNTH | MUS] PLAY L= 0% R= 0% @=0000 LineIn2=MIXER | MIX] PLAY L= 91% R= 91% @=0000 LineIn3=AUX <--- AUX| PLAY L= 77% R= 77% @=0000 LineIn4=CD <--- CDA| PLAY L= 46% R= 46% @=0000 LineIn5=MIC | MIC| PLAY L= 60% R= 60% @=0000 LineIn6=WAVE | WAV] PLAY L= 0% R= 0% @=0000 LineIn7=SPKR | SPK] RECORD L= 13% R= 23% @=0000 LineOut1=MASTER \ AMP| PLAY L= 56% R= 56% @=0000 StereoEnhance=ON \ Loudness=OFF \ Bass= 66 \---------------- Change this '4' to '3' Treble= 75 SaveSettingsOnWindowsExit=YES --------------------------------------------------------------------------------